Dual vision procedure for solving clinical paradoxes  


Kappa, Yule and phi are the usual approaches for analysing the agreement in binary cases. They have failures which can be illustrated with 5 paradoxes:

1st paradox: It occurs when with different values of chance agreement; the values of kappa for identical values of raw agreement can be more twofold smaller in one instance than in the other [1]

 2nd paradox: When unbalanced marginal totals produces higher values of kappa, Yule and phi, than more balanced totals [1]

 3rd paradox: Kappa, Yule and phi can be null, no matter the observed agreement in the study [2]

 4th paradox:  Kappa, Yule and phi can be negatives, no matter the observed agreement in the study [2]

 5th paradox: When b = 0, or c = 0, Yule tends to 1 (i.e., perfect agreement) no matter the observed agreement in the study [2].

Kappa, Yule and Phi cannot solve the Feinstein & Cicchetti (1st and 2nd) paradoxes. As well as the last three ones. The best performance of the new procedure is due to the use of the clinical agreement concept, instead of the statistical one. The point is:

The reality is the unique truth. The observed level of the agreement in a clinical study is the reality. Kappa, Yule and phi are only mathematical theories for explaining the reality. It has been shown that the mentioned approaches have failures, and therefore it is suggested that they should be replaced by another approach that performs better, like the dual vision procedure.

The full explanation can be viewed below.


1. Feinstein, A.R. and Cicchetti, D.V., High agreement but low kappa, I: the problems of two paradoxes, J. Clin. Epidemiol. 1990, 43:543-549   

2. Azzimonti Renzo JC, Failures of Common Measures of Agreement in Medicine and the Need for a Better Tool: Feinstein's Paradoxes and the Dual Vision Method , Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2003, 63: 207-216

For non-commercial use only. Originally published in Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation (www.tandf.no/sjcli), 2003, 63: 207-216